Βridal Βouquet

Βridal Βouquet

Bridal Bouquet is one of the most important details of your wedding. This small thing will place color to the bride’s look. Flowers are outnumbered so are the combinations you can choose to hold in your hand. Round bouquets, white, red, simple, wild, small or large you can get lost in the options.

A good start is to learn what flowers and plants are blooming at the time of your wedding.

If your marriage is in spring, you should choose pastel and romantic colored flowers such as lilies, peonies, hydrangeas, magnolias, narcissus, lilacs and the wonderful tulips.

During summer the colors should be brighter since you are calling to choose between roses in vibrant colors, chrysanthemums, freesias, dahlias, sunflowers, carnations and gerberas.

In Autumn colors are quiet, soft and warm. Choose from acacias, corolla, gypsophila, lycanthia, anthuriums and orchids. Dried leaves can complement the notes of the season in your bridal bouquet.

Winter is white, gold and pure red. Wonderful flowers of this season are gardenias, anemones, poppies and camellias.

Regardless of the time of the year there are flowers that you can’t find, such as carnations, daisies, orchids and many wonderful flowers waiting to be picked to make the bouquet of your dreams.

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